Auto Security With Dial Up Logic - Free Final Year Project's

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Jan 5, 2013

Auto Security With Dial Up Logic

In this project, we show that how telephone can be used as an electronic eye. With the help of any telephone we check and examine the position of the house automatically. In this logic we attach some sensor with the telephone and if there is any miss happening then telephone is automatic on and then circuit press the redial button of the telephone and then telephone dial the pre-dialed number and sense the voice message to the received end. You can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such projects and seminar.

Gas Sensor Circuit

Sensor unit is used to connect sensors. In this project we use two sensors, these two sensors are fire sensor, gas sensor, Access control logic. In the fire sensor we use bimetallic plates to sense fire, when fire touch the bimetallic plates then plates join together and immediate provide a signal to the controller. Gas sensor is a special sensor. When gas sensor senses gas then it provide a small signal to the controller via IC 555. For this project 8051 IDE Assembler & Compiler software is used to program the microcontroller. This report contains circuit diagram, microcontroller programming and complete working of the project.




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