Enrollment System PHP Project Code - Free Final Year Project's

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May 7, 2011

Enrollment System PHP Project Code

This is a good Computer science PHP project code on Enrollment System. This project can be used by all computer related branches. Enrollment system is used to register Students to a particular course and generate there fee slip. The project has admin page, register page, payment success etc. It uses MySQL as a back end and PHP in front end. You can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such Projects and Seminar.

It also include a chat system based on MySQL. You can also see Computerized Enrollment system. Use for your reference and study purpose only. Thanks to the author.




  1. May i knw where is the MySQL Database???
    Urgent Pls
    Mailto:[email protected]

  2. There is a folder called DB it will configure DB.

  3. yes sir.. but how it will be configured? can i use my xampp for it?

  4. Rose there is a Database file in the folder.


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