This project uses an 89V51RD2 micro-controller which is MCS-51 family-based. The system contains IR transmitter and IR receiver which are mounted on either side of the roads respectively. The IR system gets activated whenever any vehicle passes on the road between the IR transmitter and the IR receiver. The microcontroller controls the IR system and counts a number of vehicles passing on the road.
The microcontroller also stores vehicles count in its memory. Based on different vehicle count, the microcontroller takes the decision and updates the traffic light delays as a result. The traffic light is situated at a certain distance from the IR system. Thus based on vehicle count, the microcontroller defines different ranges for traffic light delays and updates those accordingly.
Traffic light optimization is a complex problem. Even for single junctions, there might be no obvious optimal solution. With multiple junctions, the problem becomes even more complex, as the state of one light influences the flow of traffic towards many other lights. Another complication is the fact that the flow of traffic constantly changes, depending on the time of day, the day of the week, and the time of year. Roadwork and accidents further influence complexity and performance.
In this paper, the author has proposed two approaches, the first approach - to take data/input/image from object/ subject/vehicle and in the second approach - to process the input data by Computer and Microcontroller and finally display it on the traffic light signal to control the Closed Loop System.
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In this paper, we have studied the optimization of traffic light controllers in a City using IR sensors and microcontrollers. By using this system configuration we try to reduce the possibilities of traffic jams, caused by traffic lights, to an extent and we have successfully got the results. No. of passing vehicle in the fixed time slot on the road decides the density range of traffics and on the basis of vehicle count microcontroller decides the traffic light delays for the next recording interval.
The recorded data can be downloaded to the computer through communication between the microcontroller and the computer. The Administrator sitting on the computer can command system (microcontroller) to download recorded data, update light delays, erase memory, etc.
Thus administrators on a central station computer can access traffic conditions on any approachable traffic lights and nearby roads to reduce traffic congestions to an extent. In the future, this system can be used to inform people about different places of traffic conditions. Data transfer between the microcontroller and computer can also be done through the telephone network, data call activated SIM. This technique allows the operator to gather the recorded data from a far end to his personal computer/Laptop without going there.
Traffic lights can be increased to N number and traffic light control can be done for the whole city by sitting in a single place. Hope you like this synopsis, if you have any question do let us know through your comments. New projects are coming, so do subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for latest projects and seminar.
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