Energy Conservation from Footstep - Free Final Year Project's

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Oct 1, 2012

Energy Conservation from Footstep

Energy conservation from footstep is one of the latest Mechanical project idea which uses foot movement of people to generate kinetic energy. An emerging startup called Pavegen has installed such squares of energy-generating pavement. A slab of concrete harnesses kinetic energy whenever it is stepped on. This energy, created by 5 millimeters of flex in the material, is then either stored by lithium polymer batteries contained within the slabs or transmitted immediately to streetlights or other electronics located close by. You can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such projects and seminar.

Energy Conservation from Footstep

The current model, made from stainless steel, recycled car tires and recycled aluminum, also includes a lamp embedded in the pavement that lights up every time a step is converted into energy (using only 5 percent of the generated energy). This project report includes design of project and other detail. Use this project report for your reference and study work only.

Author:- Hemant Agrawal



1 comment:

  1. You did nice work by helping others. Final year project topics are very important for engineering students.


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