Employee Welfare Measure at Rane Brake Linings Ltd - Free Final Year Project's

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Nov 21, 2012

Employee Welfare Measure at Rane Brake Linings Ltd

This is a MBA final year project report on employee welfare at Rane brake linings ltd. and start with introduction to company profile. The study is carried out to find the reasons for conflicts between employers and workers. It helps the management to improve the welfare measures facilities and to make workers participate more effectively towards the work. The study helps to find the satisfaction level of welfare measure provided. You can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such projects and seminar.

Employee Welfare Measure at Rane Brake

Employee welfare means, such services, facilities and amenities such as canteens, rest and recreation facilities, arrangement for travel to and for the accommodation of workers employed at a distance from their home, and such other services, amenities and facilities including social security measures as contribute to improve the condition under which workers are employed.

Objective of this study are to identify the various welfare measures in the organization, to analyze the employee’s view on the provided welfare measures, to find out the ways to improve the welfare measures, to adopt suitable measures for the improvement of employee performance, to give suggestions and recommendation for the promotion of welfare measures. Use this MBA report for your reference and study work only.

Author:- Bhakkialakshmi.S



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