Bio-Medical based Electronics Projects Ideas - Free Final Year Project's

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Jan 18, 2016

Bio-Medical based Electronics Projects Ideas

If you are a Electronics student and want to make your final year project on Bio-Medical or micro-controller then we have collected some of the good to make Bio-Medical project ideas. Most of the projects are Microcontroller based. If you have any other idea then please add it through your comments. You can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such Projects and Seminar.

BioMedical projects for Electronics Engineers

Bio-Medical based Electronics Projects Ideas

1. Design of a Low–Power microcontroller based wireless ECG monitoring system (IEEE 2007)
2. Microcontroller Based blood pressure monitoring system
3. A portable intelligent ECG monitor based on wireless internet and embedded system technology (IEEE 2008)
4. Microcontroller Based Patient care Monitoring and Information system
5. Microcontroller based human body temperature monitoring system
6. Microcontroller based respiration monitoring system
7. Microcontroller based wireless recorder for biomedical signals (IEEE 2005)
8. Microcontroller based automatic drug injector
9. Designing wireless interfaces for patient monitoring equipment (IEEE 2005)
10. Microcontroller based centralized monitoring system for hospital
11. Microcontroller based hospital networking system
12. Microcontroller based insulin monitoring system
13. Microcontroller based electronic stethoscope
14. Microcontroller Based Automatic Blood/Glucose flow rate controller
15. Microcontroller based digital trip monitor and alarm system
16. Microcontroller based pulse rate monitoring system
17. Microcontroller based temperature and respiration monitoring system
18. Microcontroller based multi-channel temperature monitor and controlling system
19. Microcontroller based automatic patient temperature monitoring system
20. Microcontroller based ECG monitoring system through telephone
21. Microcontroller based portable computer aided drug dispenser
22. Microcontroller based temperature monitor through optical fiber cable
23. Microcontroller based heart pulse monitoring through telephone line
24. SMS based patient monitoring system
25. Microcontroller based automatic glucose flow rate controller
26. SMS based Patient Report from Remote Place
27. Body Temperature Monitoring Using an SMS-based Telemedicine System
28. Low Cost Heartbeat Monitoring System
29. Modeling of the arterial system with an AVD implanted
30. Plaque Identification using Automated Image Enhancement

For any query or request, you can make a comment.

You can also see Embedded & Microcontroller based Project Ideas, Home Automation using Microcontroller and lots other Microcontroller Projects.


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