When buying frequently purchased, low-cost everyday things that need little search and decision effort, they demonstrate routinized response behavior. When buying merchandise occasionally or when they need to get information about an unacquainted brand in a familiar product category, they use limited problem-solving. When they buy unfamiliar, expensive products, they use extended problem-solving.
The requirement for a refrigerator is simply just a physiological need and a refrigerator is a utilitarian product for all the customers. In cases where a high-end refrigerator is bought, it is also to satisfy the esteem need of the consumer. By shopping for a high-end product at a premium value the consumer would like to impress his near and dear ones after being seen using a trendy and high technology product.
Above image shows consumer decision making model.
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External Factors
The External factors that influence the purchase decision of consumer in the age group of 30 to 40 for a Refrigerator.
1.) Demographic Details
2.) Media Habits
3.) Indian Culture
4.) Ethnic Subculture
5.) Occupational Subculture
6.) Family
7.) Social Class
8.) Reference Groups
9.) Celebrity and Opinion leader
Also, purchaser usually consults their family, friends (sometimes opinion leader) before making the final decision. They influence his decision on the product. This project report contains interviews with the consumer, their point of view and in-depth analysis of the project topic. Use this project for your reference only.
Authors:- Bharat Singh Chauhan, Chinmaya Nagaraj, Gaurav Upadhyaya, Susheel Kumar Singh, Vijay Jaret
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