Microcontroller Based Anesthesia Injector - Free Final Year Project's

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Sep 27, 2009

Microcontroller Based Anesthesia Injector

In the hospitals when any major operation is performed, the patient must be in anesthetize condition. If the operation lasts for a long time, say for suppose for 4 or 5 hours, complete dose of anesthesia cannot be administered in a single stroke. It may lead to the patient’s death. If lower amount of anesthesia is administered, the patient may wake up at the middle of the operation. To avoid this, the anesthetist administers few milliliters of anesthesia per hour to the patient and thus this project come in action. You can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such projects and seminar.

Microcontroller Based Anesthesia Injector

If the anesthetist fails to administer the anesthesia to the patient at the particular time interval, other allied problems may arise. To overcome such hazardous problems the design of an automatic operation of an anesthesia machine based on a micro-controller is effective.

In this system a keypad is provided along with the micro-controller and syringe infusion pump. The anesthetist can set the level of anesthesia in terms of milliliters per hour to administer anesthesia to the patient with the help of keypad. This report includes circuit diagram, block diagram, flow charts etc.



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