Without wasting time, we present you with the list of best and latest Arduino projects with code.
Arduino Projects for Final Year Students
1. Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer with IR Temperature Sensor
This is a good project to start with and this Thermal gun is built using a non-contact temperature sensor called MLX90614; hence it can not only be used to measure component temperatures but can also be used for measuring body temperature, surface temperature, Heat ventilation and much more. This project uses the Arduino Pro Mini.
2. Arduino Wireless Weather Station
This device will be used to measure Temperature and Humidity in two locations and display the current date and time on a big 3.2" Color TFT display. The project consists of two parts, the transmitter, and the receiver.
3. Black and White 3D Enclosure Matrix Clock
This project is a Clock based on Arduino with a Black and White 3D enclosure. It used an Arduino Mega displaying date and time on an RGB Panel Matrix 64 x 32 pixels.
4. Arduino DC Motor Control using L298N
This project uses Arduino and L298N Motor Driver to control a DC Motor. There are several ways to regulate DC Motor but the Arduino DC Motor Control using L298N Motor Driver is becoming quite popular.
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5. Coronavirus Detector Based on Infrared Temperature Sensor
A coronavirus detector based on Seeed Studio Grove - MLX90615 Digital Infrared Temperature Sensor. There are two detectors on the mask. Each detector is made by the same infrared temperature sensor. This project uses the Arduino Uno and OLED Display 1.12' as the main components.
6. Arduino 7 Segment Display Interface
In this project, you will learn about 7 Segment Displays and see how the Arduino 7 Segment Display Interface works. Seven Segment Display is one of the simplest display devices that can be connected to Arduino or any microcontroller. Building this project will help you to also build some other small projects which are based on 7 segment display.
7. Arduino IoT Cloud - IFTT Phone Call
Arduino IoT Cloud is a great platform! Associated with connected boards like the MKR1000, it is now possible to create a connected object very easily and to use the "Dashboard" integrated into the platform to interact via the Internet. The main components used in this project are Arduino MKR100, Potentiometer, & LDR.
8. Automatic Hand Sanitizer Dispenser with COVID19 Live Updates
In this project, we will build an Auto Hand Sanitizer Dispenser with an LCD which also shows the live count of Coronavirus cases. This project will use ESP32, Ultrasonic Sensor, 16x2 LCD Module, Water pump, and Hand Sanitizer. We are using Esri’s API Explorer to get the live data of Covid19 infected people.
9. Smart Restaurant Menu Ordering System using Arduino
In this project, we are building a Smart Restaurant Project using Arduino, TFT display, and 433MHz RF transmitter/receiver module. Here the transmitter section will consist of Arduino Uno, TFT display, and an RF transmitter, using which customers can select the food items and place the order.
These were some of the Arduino projects which you can use for your final year project and can build easily. All the Ardunio microcontrollers used in the above projects can be programmed using official Arduino software available for free at https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
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