This is a good Computer science final year project report on "generic
SQL explorer" submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Computer science & engineering. This project is being developed to fulfill the basic needs of a student who wishes to learn basics of databases and also the needs of a non DBA software engineer. This SQL Explorer is a powerful, yet easy-to-use graphical tool for all database developers. It allows you to connect any ODBC complaint databases present in the local machine or anywhere within the network, such as Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, etc. and edit SQL scripts and queries with syntax highlighting.
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Any SQL Explorer is a common editor from where more than one database types can be accessed, queried. It’s basically a windows application targeted for e learning domain and software industry. This project reports includes functional requirements, SRS, technical and software architecture, System level use case diagram, UML diagrams, database design, testing etc. Use it for your reference and study work.
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