Depending upon the signal from the sensors, this project detects the entry and exit of the visitor. On the successful implementation of the visitor counter, it displays the number of visitors present in the auditorium or hall. This system can be economically implemented in all the places where the visitors have to be counted and controlled. Since counting the visitors helps to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of employees, floor area and sales potential of an organization, etc.

The circuit shows the microcontroller based bidirectional visitor counter, wherein the transmitter and the receiver form the IR detection circuit. Control logic is built around transistors, operational amplifier LM324 (IC1) and flip-flop (IC2).
The program coding for this bidirectional visitor counter circuit is written in ‘C’ language and is compiled using C51 Keil compiler and is given in this report for your reference. The circuit may also be enhanced with a wide counting range of above three digits by modifying software section of the system. It can also be enhanced for long and accurate sensing range using a laser torch instead of IR transmission circuit. Thus the circuit can be used to monitor visitor flow in an effective manner, where the visitors have to count and controlled.
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The above image shows the block diagram of the project bidirectional visitor counter whose different block are sensor, logic control circuit, Microcontroller, display & power supply. The project report includes the full description of the block devices and working of the project. Use this project for your reference and study only.
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