Eligibility: The contest is open to all IEEE Student Members in India.
Scope: Technical area of the project must be within the IEEE-AES Soc or IEEE-Communications Soc or IEEE Computer Soc or IEEE PE/IA Soc or IEEE MTT/AP/EMC Soc fields of interest. Within the framework of IEEE, fields of interest of Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (IEEE AESS Soc) cover the organization, design, development, integration and operation of complex systems for space, air, ocean or ground environments.
These systems include, but are not limited to, navigation, avionics, spacecraft, aerospace, power, radar, sonar, telemetry, defense, transportation, automated testing, and command and control.
Project: The student project may typically be an under-graduate project, or post-graduate thesis or project in any one or more of the above fields. For purpose of the present contest, the project must result in a product, either hardware or software such as a simulation package / tool. The work must be that of a single student or a group not exceeding four students.
Submission: A technical paper containing a description of the project/product and the results obtained along with photographs, if any, should be submitted to the Project Contest Coordinator on or before 28th May 2009. The style and format of the paper may broadly follow the pattern of an IEEE publications paper, and about 8-pages long. Electronic submission in pdf format is
required to facilitate publication of selected entries in a CD-ROM.
Every one must take part in it.