Web Enabled Dynamic Agricultural Market Information - Free Final Year Project's

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Apr 19, 2012

Web Enabled Dynamic Agricultural Market Information

This is a good final year Computer science project report on "Web enabled dynamic agricultural market information. It is an interactive system intended for farmers, academicians, agricultural scientists , policy makers etc, which will equip them in taking better decisions about choosing the market to sell the farm produce, determining the route logistics and future plantations. This is a Apache Tomcat, PostgrSQL project. You can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such projects and seminar.

The system is designed such that all the information stated above can be accessed through a single interface. To address this purpose, the power of GIS is combined with the advantages of database and the system is implemented with open source technologies. This report includes Architecture, Use case diagram, deployment diagram etc. Use it for your reference and study work.

Author:-Ajay S Ani, Prabu J, Praveen Kumar V, K P Ranjith
Source:- IIITM-K




  1. hei pliz can you help me with the full project(Web Enabled Dynamic Agricultural Market Information) my email: [email protected]

  2. Hey !! Please see the download link above.


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