This is a good
CSE seminar report on Two Pass Assembler. An Assembler is one, which scans the assembly label code or code written in mnemonics and translates it into the object code, ie the machine corresponding code. The major responsibility of the assembler can be grouped into three major Category which are Scanner, Lexer & Translator. A scanner is one, which scans the program and divides the program into tokens depending upon the delimiters COMMA, SPACE, TAB, NEWLINE and COMMENTS.
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The above diagram illustrates the translation sequence necessary to generate machine code from specific languages. The assembler uses two counters to keep track of the machine language program. One counter, called the location counter, keeps track of the physical address location being used, and will initially be set to zero for this program (or the value designated by the ORG directive). Use for your reference and study work.
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