The above picture shows the block diagram of microprocessor based alternator synchronization, which shows a 8085 microprocessor connected with frequency divider circuit, ADC, zero crossing detector, etc.
It is widely known that electrical load on a energy system or an commercial established order, is never constant but it varies. To satisfy the requirement of variable load, economically and also for assuring continuity of supply the wide variety of generating devices connected to a system busbar are various certainly.
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The connection of an incoming alternator to device bus, ie; synchronization requires success of the situation like the same phase collection equality of voltages and frequency among the incoming system and frequency between the in coming gadget and busbar. For you to order to triumph over the nine technical drawbacks of the conventional synchronization strategies we can introduce a microprocessor based system.
This paper describes a microprocessor based set up for synchronizing a three phase alternator to a busbar. Also existing methods of synchronization are mentioned.
The auto synchronizer has been evolved to carry out the subsequent responsibilities associated with the synchronization consisting of
i) To check if the phase series of incoming system is correct or in any other case, in case of wrong segment series, to terminate the further steps inside the system and additionally to signify corrective action.
ii) To check if frequency of incoming machine is same to that of busbar and to modify it to a price nearly equal to the busbar frequency.
iii) To check device voltage is equal to that of busbar and to modify it to a cost almost equal to the busbar voltage.
iv) After ascertaining the achievement of the above circumstance, to offer last sign to the circuit breaker in order that the breaker will close the exact in phase immediately.
Also, the auto synchronizer has been made so that the alternator is started with in minimum voltage and minimum frequency conditions. You can use this project report for your study and reference.
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