Microprocessor Based Automatic Synchronizer - Free Final Year Project's

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Sep 23, 2010

Microprocessor Based Automatic Synchronizer

Microprocessor Based Automatic Synchronizer describes a microprocessor based set up for synchronizing a three phase alternator to a busbar.This is a good topic for Engineering students to adopt it as their Seminar topic or project. You can also Subscribe to FINAL YEAR PROJECT'S by Email for more such Projects and Seminar.The scheme introduced here is for the complete automation of synchronization i.e.; the adjustment of magnitude of voltage and frequency of incoming alternator is done automatically.




  1. The project is very good for electrical students, can you please send the microprocessor main program and circuit diagram to my id [email protected]

  2. the download link only gives block diagram and some details on how to write code. if available can u plz send the source code for 8085 and circuit diagram.....


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